Thanks Naomi and team for making a version of Nukit that's shipped from Canada. I always try to shop Canadian to avoid customs/import fees. I got two of these kit to help with wildfire season smoke. I have a box fan, and that thing is SO loud that I can't hear anything when I'm around it. These kits are WAY MORE QUIET than the box fan. Both kits running = still much quieter than 1 box fan.
I built them myself. Everything was very well packaged and nothing was damaged. One of the provided "5.5mm barrel jack to 4-pin PWM connector" cable seems to be a sensitive (e.g., fans don't power on unless I twist the barrel jack connection a specific way) but seems to be working now that I've figured that out.
The hardest part for me was researching and sourcing the other parts up front. For the build itself, the hardest part was trying to push the rectangular plastic connector into the rectangular metal hole.
Instead of using the provided zip ties, I just used gaffer's tape to tape wires down to the curved exterior enclosure of each fan. Probably looks more uggo, but it's easy to redo if I ever need to. It doesn't seem like the you have to be precise with the daisy-chaining of fan wires. I connected them a bunch of different ways and they all seemed to work. I didn't buy the fan grills/protectors, since it's unlikely (in my environment) that stuff will touch the fan blades.
I have a white one for my living room (which is the black metal one, covered in white gaffer's tape, but you could paint it for more permanence) and then the original black one for a different room. Arctic has white fans for more $, but a word of caution (after 1+ month of running non-stop) is that I've noticed that these fans might expel some of their motor/lubricant oil onto the interior edges of the fan enclosure, which happens to be very visible on the white.
Here are a few other Canadian suppliers (no affiliation) I used, in case that helps others who are accumulating parts for this build:
FILTERS: "Furnace filters Canada" has 12-bulk packs. It's a huge pack (in dimensions/size), so make sure you have storage space. They shipped via Canada Post.
FANS: "Memory Express" sometimes has stock for a comparable price. As a last resort, I also used "Aero Malls" seller via Amazon.
Note: it's easy to get the incorrect fan models because it looks like a jumble of letters to non-tech-inclined. From what I cursorily understand:
P14 = the size of the fan (140mm)
PST= fan with high static pressure (related how well your fan deals with airflow)
PWM = pulse width modulation (related to the amount of power your fan uses)
The recommended P14 PST PWM also comes packaged with a CABLE SPLITTER that is what's used in Nukit for daisy chaining, so if you opt for a different model, your fan may not come with the cable splitter!
I've undoubtedly spent a lot of money up-front on everything, but also feel like it was an investment so that future me doesn't have to worry about air filtration/filters for the next 4 years. I also feel that it's worthwhile to support the availability of a DIY kit—learning through making, buy-it-for-life / using less waste, etc. and of course, support Naomi!